It would have been impossible.". Kelly McKnight, a friend of the family, said Ms. Hathaway raised her children without the usual assortment of children's playthings and baby books. The three had taken off Wednesday morning from Half Moon Bay, Calif. She landed safely in Elko, Nev., Rock Springs, Wyo., and Cheyenne. Jessica Dubroff's wings may have been frosted with ice, and she had no joy of flight on her last ride. "To hold anyone back is to miss the message.". According to the plans, Reid wasn't supposed to touch the controls except in an emergency. "It's been a long day," Jessica said after landing late yesterday. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS SITE IS INTENDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ASSISTING AVIATION ENTHUSIASTS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS. But a person of any age may fly next to a licensed pilot, who may let them take control if he or she feels it is safe to do so. " he said. The brown-haired, 4 feet 2 Jessica Dubroff had flown out of Half Moon Bay, Calif., on Wednesday and executed a flawless landing in high winds that evening here in Cheyenne. "She had a refreshing optimism that is plainly lacking in today's world." The plane had dual sets of controls, meaning that the flight instructor was legally considered in charge and had the ability to take control instantly, though the plans called for Mr. Reid to take over only in an emergency. ", See the article in its original context from. I was in HS. A flight instructor accompanied him. Soon after the crash of the single-engine plane that killed 7-year-old Jessica Dubroff on April 11, the calls poured into the Federal Aviation Administration. CHEYENNE, Wyo. "Do you hear the rain?".
Deborah (half-sister) (all by Lloyd Dubroff)Jessica Whitney Dubroff(May 5, 1988 April 11, 1996) was a seven-year-old American trainee pilot who died while attempting to become the youngest person to fly a light aircraftacross the United States. Mr. Dubroff had said on Tuesday that he had thought of the idea of the cross-country flight after being inspired by a similar odyssey by a little girl a few years ago. Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), New York John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), More from On This Day in Aviation History, Join Us for #Avgeek Movie Night! Earlier in the day, during an appearance on NBC's "Today" show, Ms. Hathaway sobbed about her daughter's death, while defending the decision to let her fly. NYCAviation is a worldwide aerospace news and resource organization for aviation enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Jessica Dubroff, a 7-year-old student pilot from Pescadero, Calif., taking off on the second leg of an audacious quest to become the youngest person ever to complete "God's newest little angel," read one note.
Jessica's father had said he was more worried about her horseback riding. In the wake of the crash, an investigation into its cause was conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board. She had room to be; she had room to have a life.
1996 Jessica Dubroff, a seven-year-old whose parents claimed she was the youngest pilot in history to attempt to fly across the United States, dies in a crash while doing just that, along with her flight instructor and her father.
Ms. Hathaway said she took great comfort in something the local coroner had told her: that from the positions of the bodies in the plane, it was clear that Lloyd Dubroff, seated in the rear of the Cessna behind his daughter, had been holding her from behind as the plane plunged like an arrow, according to witnesses, into the ground. "I can't wait until the next day. A seven-year-old girl trying to become the youngest person to fly across the country died today in a plane crash near Cheyenne, Wyoming. Asked if Jessica ever expressed a fear of flying, Ms. Hathaway said: "She didn't have it in her vocabulary.". Jessica Dubroff: 7: Trainee pilot attempting to cross the United States: Cheyenne, Wyoming: Cessna 177B Cardinal N35207: Stalled after taking off into a thunderstorm and deteriorating weather. 2001 The crew of a damaged US Navy EP-3 electronic surveillance aircraft is released from Chinese custody, 10 days after their plane collided in midair with a Chinese Shenyang J-8 fighter jet and was forced to land.. 1996 Jessica Dubroff, a seven-year-old whose parents claimed she was the youngest pilot in history to attempt to fly across the A party that got out of hand turned into a fight on Elmwood Avenue in Kenmore on Friday, with three police agencies responding to break it up. Miss NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Ms. Hathaway's outward calm in explaining the great tragedy of her daughter's death as the price of an expansive and joy-filled life came as criticism mounted nationwide of both Jessica's parents and an aviation system that allowed the accident to happen. =ED BRUSSELS, FROM NEWS WIRE SERVICES
Last year, 8-year-old Killian Moss of Phoenix flew from San Diego to Norfolk, Va. Jessica had less than a month to set the unofficial record. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Debris was scattered through the neighborhood. PESCADERO, Calif., April 14 -- Little Jessica Dubroff, whose dream of becoming the youngest pilot to fly across America ended in a fiery crash in Wyoming, "And it will expand her horizons. Jessica, who was a fan of biographies of the aviator Amelia Earhart, drew up the flight plans herself, arranging to visit grandparents in Massachusetts and Florida and to stopover on her return trip in Washington, where she had even hoped to entice President Clinton to fly with her aboard the Cessna. WebIsaiah Cooper, 16, touched down at Compton airport after a roughly two-week flight around the country, becoming the youngest African American pilot to complete the cross-country flight. I had two hours of sleep last night. But he said there were apparently no regulations that would have kept her on the ground. Flyers must be 16 to hold a license under FAA rules. 2 biplane in Paris. On the last leg of the flight in Appril of 1996, the plane crashed while being piloted by Reid, killing him, Jessica Dubroff and her father Lloyd. The Michigan Air National Guard celebrated the 100th anniversary of Selfridge ANGB with the USAF Thunderbirds highlighting a jam-packed airshow. But she went on to say she did not worry about it. "It just went right into the ground. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. A solo pilot of a plane must be at least 16 years old. Heather Wessley of Wyoming Public radio reports that Jessica Dubroff was flying a four-seat Cessna with her father and her flight instructor. "I enjoyed it. Please get some altitude!' "Over the Sierra it was just perfect, until we got over to the Rockies and they were bumpy, kind of bumpy," she told radio station KGO in San Francisco on Wednesday. The only sections visible were the tail and wings, which were detached from the rest of the plane. Ginger Humphrey, spokeswoman for United Medical Center in Cheyenne, confirmed that Jessica, her father, Lloyd, and instructor Joe Reid died in the crash. I mean, what more could I ask for? Cooper's 8,000-mile flight was not without difficulty. The Mayor of Cheyenne, Leo Pando, broke down at a news conference here this morning, saying that Jessica had reminded him of his own daughter, who died in a flood 11 years ago at the age of 16. She's going to be able to say, `I did that.' WebThe plane carrying Jessica Dubroff in her attempt to become the youngest pilot to fly across America was overweight when it crashed shortly after takeoff, a federal investigator said Bad weather forced him to make a hard landing that heavily damaged his original Correspondent David Lilienthal visited the MCAS Beaufort Airshow last weekend and shares his photos with us. In the case of someone younger, they are considered to be a passenger in the plane and the flight instructor is legally responsible for flying the aircraft. Several years ago, the Guinness Book of Records ceased recognizing the "youngest pilot" category for fear of encouraging unsafe flights. WebThe brown-haired, 4 feet 2 Jessica Dubroff had flown out of Half Moon Bay, Calif., on Wednesday and executed a flawless landing in high winds that evening here in Cheyenne. McCreary, of the National Transportation Safety Board's Seattle regional office, said he did not know exactly how much over the 2,500-pound gross takeoff weight limit the plane was. The plane was leaving Cheyenne in bad weather and crashed in a residential area about a half-mile from the runway. Jessica Dubroff: The Final Moments Before The Plane Crash Aviation Bledsoe: Original Plory & Yoop YouTuber 690 subscribers Subscribe Save 13K views 3 The crash that killed Jessica Dubroff; her father, Lloyd; and Joe Reid happened on the second day of their flight. Jessica's mother, Lisa Blair Hathaway, who was in Massachusetts to greet the family, planned to fly to Wyoming this afternoon, said Phil Orlandella, spokesman for the Massachusetts Port Authority. Jessica had been trying to best a cross-country flight record set by a 9-year-old. . "It's been a long day," she said then. The plane took off at 8:25 a.m. after spending the night here. When asked to describe her feelings at being where her daughter had perished, she replied: "I don't feel, I am in a state of being.". WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The National Transportation Safety Board found Tuesday that the April 1996 fatal crash of a small plane carrying 7-year-old Jessica Dubroff was probably caused by the pilot's decision to take off in bad weather. All three people in the Cessna 177B were killed just after takeoff from a small airport in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Her father was to sit in the back seat of the Cessna 177B. Anyone can read what you share. They had tools, like hammers and saws," Ms. McKnight said. Also killed in the crash were her father, Lloyd Dubroff, 57, and Reid, 52. But for all of Jessica's moxie and precocious intelligence, many people here and around the country wondered why she had been allowed to pilot a plane at such a young age. The accident occurred on April 11, 1996, shortly after a Cessna 177B took off from a Cheyenne, Wyoming, airport as part of a highly-publicized cross country trip by The single-engine plane, a four-seat Cessna owned by Reid, crashed in a residential area, missing a house by 25 feet, a half-mile from the runway. The Guinness Book of Records once kept official records in the "youngest pilot" category but stopped doing so a few years ago because it did not want to encourage unsafe flights, a spokesman said today. Her father, Lloyd, lived with his second wife in San Mateo, also in the Bay Area. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Her mother, Lisa Blair Hathaway, said she heard no word of problems as the three began to take off. Police Chief John Powell, who was first on the scene, said the bodies were still strapped into the Cessna when he arrived, but he couldn't tell who had been operating the plane. It wasn't immediately known who was at the controls. The three had taken off yesterday morning from Half Moon Bay, Calif., aiming to arrive tomorrow in Falmouth, Mass., after overnight stops in Cheyenne and Fort Wayne, Ind. NYCAviation had the privilege of getting a behind the scenes look at the U.S. Navy Tactical Demonstration Team during the Quonset Point Airshow. "I just love to fly," said Jessica. The plane crashed into a swamp in the Everglades. 1934 A Caproni Ca.113 biplane flown by Italian aviator Renato Donati sets a new altitude record of 47,352 ft (14,433 m). I can't wait to sleep. . She took off in a cold rain and died when her single-engine Cessna "I beg people to let children fly if they want to fly," a teary-eyed Ms. Hathaway told The Associated Press before flying from Boston to Wyoming to claim her daughter's body. In the case of someone younger, they are considered to be a passenger in the plane and the flight instructor is legally responsible for flying the aircraft. The April 1996 crash in Wyoming that killed 7-year-old Jessica Dubroff along with her father and CFI Joe Reid generated a firestorm in the mass media that threatened to generate a knee-jerk legislative response from Congress. Through your continued use of this site, you agree that assumes no liability nor responsibility for any individuals actions or conduct. "There's a lot of great pilots out there of any age," she said. "The philosophy they were coming from was learn from experience. Fuel spilled but there was no fire. (CHY) is open for business, with normal air service to All 110 aboard killed. Thursday, April 11, 1996 | 11:59 a.m. Jessica Dubroff died along with her father and her flight instructor when the plane went down shortly after taking off in a driving rain. Her father was to sit in the back seat of the Cessna 177B four-seater. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Flight Record, Dies in Crash, According to the plans, Reid wasn't to touch them except in an emergency. 1943 The P-V Engineering Forum PV-2, flown and designed by Frank Piasecki, becomes the second helicopter to complete a successful flight in the United States. 1970 Apollo 13 launches from the Kennedy Space Center. The question that was on the minds of many people -- why would Jessica Dubroff's parents not just countenance a 7-year-old's quest for an aviation record but encourage it -- came into somewhat clearer focus Friday during Ms. Hathaway's hourlong encounter with scores of reporters at the crash scene on Kornegay Street in Cheyenne. "I'm going to take what has happened and let myself be with it," said Ms. Hathaway. Girl, 7, Seeking U.S. Mourners converged on the crash site, where the police had quickly placed a heavy tarpolin over the wreckage, leaving flowers, stuffed animals and written scraps of Bible verse. He said he had asked Jessica and she loved the idea. "The plane was struggling and dipping.". Heather Wessley of ", FBI Buffaloraided a West Side house Tuesday morning to execute a federal search warrant, saidJeannie McBride,the local FBI office's public , Severalmedia organizations reported Wednesday that the FBI and worldwide partners successfully shut down Genesis Market, reportedly a cybercr, In 2005, at the age of 51,Sylvestre Sly Acosta received a45-year prison sentenceunder a since changed federal law that dramatically incre. I had two hours of sleep last night.". "I kept thinking, `Please! I would prefer it was not at age 7 but, God, she went with her joy and her passion, and her life was in her hands," Ms. Hathaway said. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. The crash that killed Jessica Dubroff; her father, Lloyd; and Joe Reid happened on the second day of their flight. WebJessica Dubroff crash blamed on pilot March 4, 1997 Web posted at: 9:45 p.m. EST. Wheelers owners repeatedly harassed Quinn J. Gambino, a transgender male, includi. After landing here late Wednesday in a Cessna outfitted with a booster seat so she could see out the window and extensions on the pedals so her legs could reach them, Jessica quickly captivated people in Cheyenne at a news conference at the airport. We were going to have a reception. The crumpled plane had lost its tail and wings. "I cared deeply for this little girl," he said. The family is from Pescadero, a rural community about 40 miles south of San Francisco. "Do you hear the rain?" All rights reserved. "What we're talking about is an airplane that has exceeded its maximum gross takeoff weight at an airport that is above sea level," he said, adding that Cheyenne's thin air -- at 6,100 feet -- would make takeoff more difficult. "It was very fortunate it didn't hit any houses in the area," he said. We went out for lunch and drove past the crash site itself - I do not recall if we knew it had happened and happened to drive past the wreck, or if we drove past then found out it was the Dubroff plane. This Week: Sully, A Flight Through History: Selfridge ANGB Celebrates its First 100 Years, PHOTOS: Checking Out The Performers At The MCAS Beaufort Airshow, Behind the Scenes with the U.S. Navy TACDEMO Team. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. A 7-year-old California girl on a quest to become the youngest cross-country pilot was killed today when her single-engine plane crashed shortly after take-off in thunder and driving sleet. Each week, we'll select an aviation themed movie to watch. ". Jessica Dubroff, a 7-year-old from Pescadero, Calif., taking off on the second leg of an audacious quest to become the youngest person ever to complete a round-trip Cheyenne Airport Manager Jerry Olson said surface visibility was about five miles and the temperature was 38 degrees, "right on the edge of icing being a problem.". Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. If you are experiencing difficulties logging in or are a subscriber getting a paywall, please try one or more of the following steps. Jessica carried a wallet with an ace of spades in it for luck while she flew. Jessica, who had dreamed of being a pilot when she grew up, took off at 8:25 a.m. during a storm after completing the first leg of the 6,500-mile round trip and spending the night here. "Have you seen a 7-year-old shine like that? WebAlso lived in Cheyenne at the time of this crash. Keep reading with unlimited digital access. . Steve McCreary said the single-engine Cessna that crashed near a northern Cheyenne house during a thunderstorm Thursday morning, killing the 7-year-old girl, her father, Lloyd, and flight instructor Joe Reid, was overweight because of "personal effects.". Within 20 minutes of the crash, a tarp had been placed over the plane. Jessica was breaking no aviation rules when she flew. Several witnesses also said the plane never appeared to have got higher than a few hundred feet. Copyright 1996 NPR. Standard-Times staff photographer Hank Seaman's column, "Snapshots," . The article said her plea to the President had drawn no response. "It stalled over my building, winged over and went straight into the ground like a dart," he said. The Mayor said Jessica had told him she drew up the flight plans herself, picking Cheyenne as the first stop after calculating how far a tank of gas would take her from her home in California. Barely 12 hours later Jessica was dead. The group was aiming to arrive in Falmouth, Mass., Friday after another stop in Fort Wayne, Ind. Ms. Hathaway spoke via cellular telephone to Jessica moments before the take-off here. But this morning her plane, bound for the next stopover in Indiana and ultimately for Cape Cod, Mass., crashed just moments after it lifted off here in Wyoming. Jessica had asked her excitedly. "The Guinness Book of Records" had ceased recognizing the "youngest pilot" category for fear of encouraging unsafe flights. A Supreme Court decision sent him home, Observations: Sabres unable to mount comeback in their biggest game in a decade, Police break up Friday night fight in Kenmore with pepper spray, New Bills offensive lineman David Edwards was 'critical factor' for Rams, coach Sean McVay said, Federal lawsuit accuses pizza restaurant owners of harassing transgender employee, Crews making progress at restoring power to thousands blacked out by Saturday afternoon storms, It's full speed ahead with a stacked lineup as Sabres go on the prowl against Panthers, Anti-vaxxer activist RFK Jr. announced bid for Democratic presidential nomination, India's 'brown beauty' makeup influencers go global, The James Webb Telescope just spotted the four oldest galaxies ever discovered, North Korea says US-South Korea military drills push tension to 'brink of nuclear war'. The last youngster listed by Guinness was 9-year-old Rachel Carter of Ramona, Calif., who crossed the continent in 1994. Showing little of the emotion displayed by many of the strangers who left tokens of their sympathy at the crash site Friday, Ms. Hathaway spoke with great equanimity of her daughter's life and death in terms that appeared to reflect the family's unconventional life in Pescadero, Calif. "I simply am here for my own well-being," said Ms. Hathaway, who has described herself as a "spiritual healer." Shortly before takeoff this morning, Jessica told a reporter for Cheyenne television station KKTU that she thought about one thing when flying: crashing. Johnson, whose office is halfway between the airport and the crash site, said the airplane never got any higher than 400 feet. There was some speculation today that Mr. Reid may have been reluctant to take the controls for fear of technically negating Jessica's accomplishment. Archived versions on her last ride said Ms. Hathaway when she flew and Reid, 52 to. 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