She was called Keturah because her deeds were as beautiful as incense (), and because she tied (, the Aramaic for tied) her opening (a euphemism), for she was not sexually intimate with any man from the day she separated from Abraham (Tanchuma 8, Genesis Rabbah 61:4). 4 results found containing all search terms. When God wished to give the Torah, He offered it to the children of Keturah and to the Ishmaelites, but they refused to accept it, since they could not abandon the robbery and theft on which their lives were based (Midrash Tannaim on Deut. Third, the word pilegshim (concubines) in Gen. 25:6 is spelled deficiently, without the letter yod. He said to himself: If I bless Isaac now, I will also have to bless the children of Ishmael and of Keturah; but if I do not bless them, how will I be able to bless Isaac? So the Kenites departed from among the Amalekites. [20], According to the African writer Olaudah Equiano, the 18th-century English theologian John Gill believed the African people were descended from Abraham and Keturah[relevant?]. ariel keturah nailah bobo figurative If they defeat me, then say: You have bested the commoner among us; and if I defeat them, tell them: The Torah of our teacher Moses has defeated you. They authorized him, and he went and disputed with the offspring of Keturah and of Ishmael. Though their sons were the foundation of todays Arab nations, the Arabians swear allegiance to Abraham, and give no thought to their founding black mothers, Hagar or Keturah. WebKeturah is a Cushite woman [of another religious background] (Numbers 12:1), a woman of color. 4 results found containing all search terms. DRUZE The Druze Community of Israel also consider themselves associated with both Ancient Israel and with Jethro and with Britain and France. We know surprisingly little about Keturah. Balaam however was forced by God to utter blessings instead of curses. The Commentories are divided concerning the meaning of this verse. A portion of these were exterminated by Israel but other, who were located elsewhere, have survived. Keturah was one of Abrahams wives. She was perfumed (mekuteret) with commandments and good deeds (Gen. Rabbah 61:4); she was (through her good deeds) more savory (mekuteret) than all manner of spices (Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer [ed. Jael (Yael) who killed the Canaanite general Sisera in the story of Barak and Deborah was the wife of a Hebrew Kenite. Though the Torah describes them separately, the rabbis often identify Keturah with Hagar, who they state came back to remarry Abraham after Sarahs death. 24:23: Then the moon shall be ashamed (Num. Genesis 25:1 says that Keturah was his wife; 1 Chronicles 1:32 calls her his concubine. (Cush is identified as Ethiopia in some versions of the Bible.) However, much evidence in Scripture leads us to believe Keturah was indeed a Browse, sort & search all Bible Study resources. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham married Keturah after the death of his first wife, Sarah. She was called Keturah because her deeds were as beautiful as incense (), and because she tied (, the Aramaic for tied) her opening (a euphemism), for she was not sexually intimate with any man from the day she separated from Abraham (Tanchuma 8, Genesis Rabbah 61:4). Many of the Hebrew patriarchs married or had children with women from African tribes. Another tradition identifies Keturah with Hagar, and thus Abraham married only twice. So why was she called by a different name? It is this myth that has kept many people of color from the gospel. The verse would therefore be saying that the Midianites (who were also Ishmaelites) pulled Joseph out of the pit and then the brothers sold Joseph to them. Got something to say about what you're reading? Those who identified completely with Israel. For it is highly The "KHAZARS" were a semi-nomadic people who became prominent in southern Russia and its neighborhood in the 600s to 900s CE. [4], One modern commentator on the Hebrew Bible has called Keturah "the most ignored significant person in the Torah". wife for his favorite son Isaac, he gave strict instructions that his son was All these were the children of Keturah. The Torah likewise records that Abraham gave gifts to the children of his concubines and sent them off during his lifetime (Gen. 25:6). In addition the Ancient Israelites from the Ten Tribes included descendants of the KENI who attached themselves to them and will return to the Land of Israel with them. The offspring of Keturah was used as a disparaging appellation by the Rabbis when they wished to deride a Torah scholar who did not live up to expectations, just like the sons of Keturah, who, although the children of Abraham, did not attain the level of Isaac (BT Zevahim 62ab). : 'ih Translated: woman, wife[10]). Midianites and Israel The Israelites went down to Egypt and were enslaved. The Torah she-bi-khetav: Lit. Unless otherwise noted, all material Sojourners 2023, How Africa Shaped the Christian Mind: Rediscovering the African Seedbed of Western Christianity, The Black Presence in the Bible: Discovering the Black and African Identity of Biblical Persons and Nations, The National Black Evangelical Association. This school of thought is further bolstered by the fact that this wife also had a different name (Keturah); in addition, the plural wording of Gen. 25:6 (to Abrahams sons by concubines) conveys that Abraham had at least two wives in addition to Sarah. Sons of Moses The Sons of Moses may also be linked with the Rechabites and Kenites who went into Exile with the Ten Tribes. Although the miracle of Abraham and Sarah bearing a child when they were 100 and 90 was quite emphasized in the Torah (Gen. 18:12, 21:7), no doubt once Abraham regained his vigor, it remained with him for some time to come (Haamek Davar). Topical Bible: Black. (This was an obligation on Abraham and his household (see Genesis 17). parents wishes to marry within his Shemitic lineage, but did not promote these And : pilege Translated: concubine[11]). Some will say these items were destroyed to protect people from idolatry, but I would argue that this could not have been the case since they were replaced with icons and photos of white saints and Bible characters. The Blessings in the Bible given to the Children of Israel were epitomized most strongly in the Tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. (, The Garden of Eden was described in Genesis as having been near a four-river system in the region of the lands of Cush, Havilah, and Asshur, which today would be near the borders of Eastern Sudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. b. Her children are depicted both as the fulfillment of part of Gods promise to Abraham to be blessed by the nations and as a menace to Israel, like their brother Ishmael. Those who identified more loosely with Israel and led a nomad type existence. When Isaac married Rebekah, he said to himself: I have taken a wife, while my father is without a spouse! These were possibly those known as the KENI. Thus, Keturah and her children were by far secondary to Isaac and played no direct role in the story of Israel. Gifts, Tithes, and Financial Participation with Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations. WebKeturah was one of Abrahams wives. The other one was in Eastern Mesopotamia in what would later become Babylon. In the Hebrew, Adam (or Ahdahm) is defined as swarthy, dusky, reddish-brown soil, dark-skinned like a shadow. Midian was a son of Abraham and his 3rd wife Keturah ( Genesis 25:1-2 ). And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and Recall that after the Flood, Ham, the father of the black races, established Egypt, referred to in Psalms 105 and 106 refer to as the land of Ham.. Serpent Seed and the Kenites We need to relate to the Doctrine known as Serpent Seed. The Egyptians were direct descendants of Ham through his son, Mizraim (Egypt). Download our eBooks to read on your computers, phone, tablet, or eReader. Aphar: The soil from which Adham was made, meaning: dust, clay, always very black or very dark brown in color. Keturah, the Old Testament name of Abraham's second wife, is a possibility for anyone seeking a truly unusual and interesting biblical name; certainly a lot more distinctive than that of Abraham's first wife, Sarah. descendent of Hams race named Hagar the Egyptian, from the land of Ham. The Midianites today may be identified with part of the Arab People, especially those of Arabia. Thanks! > Proof as to where the Lost Ten Tribes went; who their descendants are today; and which Tribe each specific national group belongs to. You can also download them to your computer, phone, or tablet. WebNo one could replace Sarah, the foremother of Israel. of Negroid descent. The plague was stopped. Some of us may therefore have Midianite blood within us, as explained below. So who was Keturah? Moses killed the Egyptian and then fled to Midian (Exodus 2: 11-15). Even the Rabbis who debate her identity have no argument here. Midian was a son of Abraham and his 3rd wife Keturah ( Genesis 25:1-2 ). The "ORIGIN" of several peoples in the west today is from Israel. The Lit. Genesis (NASB) 35: 28 Then some Midianite traders passed by, so they pulled him up and lifted Joseph out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. Schloen, J. David. 3. Though their sons were the foundation of As we celebrate Black History Month and prepare for Lent, how can uncovering the black presence in the Bible aid us in mourning against the sin of racism? We don't know from what nation she came, who her parents were or whether she outlived Abraham or not. 1-4; I Chron. The Egyptians were direct descendants of Ham through his son, Mizraim (Egypt). What happened to these females is not clear. According to this opinion, it continued to their children and descendants as well. This seemed like an easy question to answer until I began to research it. Genesis 25:6 also implies that Keturah was a concubine. (Gen. 26:34, 34:1-9) An additional explanation gives this word the meaning of binding or sealing (keshurah). The idea that Moses had a black wife apparently comes from Numbers 12:1 which says Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of his Cushite wife. Though their sons were the foundation of todays Arab nations, the Arabians swear allegiance to Abraham, and give no thought to their founding black mothers, Hagar or Keturah. The Rabbis describe her as a woman of virtue, for which she was worthy of being joined to Abraham. What was the name of abrahams first wife? The Rabbis championing this position emphasize that these offspring do not follow the spiritual way of Abraham; moreover, since they already received their inheritance from him, they are not entitled to make any further demands. A plague came up and threatened to destroy the Israelite people. The children of Keturah are depicted as waste that issued from Abraham (Sifrei on Deuteronomy 312). Midian was a son of Abraham and his 3rd wife Keturah ( Genesis 25:1-2 ). Later, under Joshua, Balaam would be killed because of this (Joshua 13:22). That year was a Sabbatical year, and Israel enjoyed the fruits of the abandoned fields (BT Sanhedrin 91a). The Agreement of Celtic, Arab, and Jewish Sources Concerning the Ten Tribes information but nothing in comparison to the whole story that can be yours. Abraham and Keturah had six sons. WWW.BLACKSINTHEBIBLE.NET. What did these early Christians know and accept that seems unbelievable today? Genesis and First Chronicles also list seven of her grandsons (Sheba, Dedan, Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah). The descendants of Cain are called Kenites. cf. In regards to the question from a reader about interracial marriages, is it true that Moses was married to a black woman? According to Rabbinical Tradition the Ishmaelites intermixed with Midianites so that the two became one. The Jews are then somehow equated with these same Kenites descendants of Cain. Keturah, the Old Testament name of Abraham's second wife, is a possibility for anyone seeking a truly unusual and interesting biblical name; certainly a lot more distinctive than that of Abraham's first wife, Sarah. Though the Torah describes them separately, the rabbis often identify Keturah with Hagar, who they state came back to remarry Abraham after Sarahs death. They are in effect enemies not only of Judah i.e. The birthplace of humanity was confirmed when the oldest human remains were found in Ethiopia in 1974. Wiki User. WebKeturah is a Cushite woman [of another religious background] (Numbers 12:1), a woman of color. WebKeturah: (Gen. Rabbah 61:4) This is Hagar. WebNo one could replace Sarah, the foremother of Israel. bridal prospects for their twins, they agreed that the daughters of Heth, But others point out that Moses married Zipporah, the daughter of a priest of Midian named Reuel, also called Jethro ( Exodus 2:18-22, 3:1 ). The Jews need to believe in the God of Israel and keep the Torah. Therei s NO Biblical Basis for these ideas. And the sons of Dedan were Asshurim, and the fact that Shem, Noahs youngest son on the Ark was the founder of Abrahams Since this presumably occurred after Isaacs marriage at 40 (25:20), and Ishmael was 14 years older than Isaac (compare Gen. 16:16 to 21:5), she bore Ishmael at least 54 years before her remarriage yet still, she gave birth to six more children. This would make the wife of Moses a black woman. Topical Bible: Black. WebKeturah is the second wife of Abraham, whom he took after the death of his first wife Sarah, and who bore him six additional sons, namely Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah (Genesis 25:1-2). It should also be noted that the "Middle East," including the Holy Land was connected to Africa until 1859 when the Suez Canal was completed and had been referred to North East Africa for the majority of modern history. Those are the Kenites who came from Hammath, the father of the house of Rechab. The name Keturah, which can also be spelled Katurah, Cetura, or Qeturah, means perfume or sweet-smelling incense. 4 results found containing all search terms. All of Keturahs sons were the heads of nations (Gen. Rabbah 61:5). [2][3] The Book of Genesis records that Abraham gave them gifts and sent them to the East, while making Isaac son of Sarah his primary heir. Abraham had children with Hagar and Keturah both from African (Hamitic) tribes. This statement may sound controversial but archeology, history, and the text prove it to be true. In the midrashic depiction, after Abraham divorces Hagar and sends her into the wilderness she sits by the well and cries to God: See my shame! Hagars demand for justice was accepted by God, who revealed Himself to Abraham after Sarahs death and commanded him to take back his divorce, Hagar-Keturah (Gen. Rabbah 61:4). Prophetic Whirlwind: Uncovering the Black Biblical Destiny. Though their sons were the foundation of todays Arab nations, the Arabians swear allegiance to Abraham, and give no thought to their founding black mothers, Hagar or Keturah. When the Hebrews drew close to the Land of Canaan the peoples of Midian and Moab became fearful of them (Numbers 22:4). WebAnother black tribe known as Khazail or Kassahil of the town of Lamlun in Khuzestan were a people of Muntafik ibn Uqayl bin Kaab. 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